Saturday, November 14, 2009

"SEVEN" (7-14 Nov), Draw my days!

1st day (Nov 7th).
A night when firefly perch in the palm of my hand.

2nd day (Nov 8th).
Aunt’s kitchen in the morning.

3rd day (9th Nov)

My friend is a Ballerina.

4th day (Nov 10th).
The drama queen gathered life's roses.

5th day (11th Nov)
My nephew (Athaya and Gathan ) : The beatitude of childhood, lollipop and having a secret game.

6th day (12th Nov)

Freya my imaginary violin’s classmate.

Last day (13th Nov)

Haldora’s secret place.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Deary sunset

Aku pun berada di senja itu

Kulihat ia diujung geladak memandang langit senja yang berkilauan

Aku tahu apa yang ia pikirkan,

…senja, laksana seorang penyihir yang mempesona

Mengubah riak gelombang menjadi mutiara-mutiara berkilau

Membuat Burung-burung camar terbang berputar diatasnya.

…senja, bagai panggung opera masquerade atau broadway

Terhampar mahligai tirai merah yang megah

Menjerat hati yg bersenandung ratap pilu.

Sejenak ketika peluit uap kapal meraung

Berbahagialah ia dan aku sang penumpang

Mengetahui rindu terobati

Pertanda kapal telah mencapai pantai

Senja telah ia lihat

Dan senja pun telah mengerdipkan warna merah emas menyala kepadaku


Bisa kami rangkul didada langit senja yang berkilauan itu,

Seperti halnya butiran-butiran pasir

yang merembes disela jari-jemari ini.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Series of Flowers

This morning I went to Ciwaruga’s village ( Parongpong – Bandung ). I found all sorts of flowers in this district, they were plenty and scattered all over the places. In the grass field, in the hills, in the edges of road, in the front yard of my friend’s house, in the ceramic vase, behind the fences, or even growing irregular on the ground. I’m very fond to consider at the flowers and being in the middle of them, although I can’t identify each kind or name of them. But flowers are absolutely amazing and so admirable, look at them they were so colourful, fresh and lovely.

I think flower is a definite form of beauty.

Good morning flowers!

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Accidentally meet Andrea Hirata

Yesterday evening I was being in a warnet (internet house) in setrasari mall’s area. I met my friend Daniv in there, he sat separately by several computers from me. I took computer no.2 and sat down, …but when I was being about to sat down. I was accidentally looked at someone who has already sat down right beside me on the computer no.1. I guess I know this guy! He was well known. Yeah,…I’m right! This guy is Andrea Hirata! A very famed writer in Indonesia. The writer of Laskar Pelangi, Sang Pemimpi, edensor and Maryamah Karpov.
Which one his book (Laskar Pelangi) has been visualize into a motion picture.

It was definitely surprising me having met with Andrea Hirata, my truly favorite writer in Indonesia. And then we were having little conversation while my friend Daniv has came to approach. He said that recently he was just return from Berlinale ( internationale filmfestspiele Berlin / Festival Film Berlin ), attending for his film ( Laskar Pelangi ) took participate on that film festival. He also inform us that “Sang Pemimpi” the movie soon will be produce this year, he invite us to come and look around the production of the movie in Belitung island. What a surprise! We were Invite directly from the writer of Sang Pemimpi, the famous writer which his memoirs book ( tetralogi Laskar Pelangi, Sang Pemimpi, Edensor and Maryamah Karpov ) soon will be appear on our cinema screen.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Tour of Culinary

Here’s several of my culinary tours with my friends around Bandung couple weeks ago, we were touring for food and seeking passionate places for food while refreshing our exhausted days and having fun. But actually there are plenty of special and unique culinary places in Bandung that we’ve never been before. I guess we’ll keep looking for and dine.

Maxi’s Resto

Starbucks Coffee – Paris Van Java

Fashion Pasta

Sushigroove – Paris Van Java

Newspaper – Paris Van Java

Café Terminus

Shin Men – Paris Van Java


Black CanyonParis Van Java

Gianni’s Tjihampelas