Saturday, May 29, 2010

Romain Osi’s outdoor photographs exhibition in Bandung

Today I was passing the town hall, and I saw an outdoor photographs exhibition were displayed on the outside of the town hall’s hedgerow. It’s an exhibition entitled "Keluyuran" (in English means “take a walk” or “take a stroll”), featuring the original works of French photographer named Romain Osi with the theme of “Bandung’s night enchantment”. From his photographs which were displayed I saw that Romain has traveled to many various corners in Bandung. All of his works tells about night photography.

And when I’m at home I read today’s newspaper (Pikiran Rakyat Daily Newspaper), and I saw an article about Romain Osi’s photographs exhibition which I’ve seen in the town hall. For seven nights, Romain was traveling around the city looking for the objects that he desired. He said, the night always present a different atmosphere, the night seemed to arise to rub out the noises and rumbles which were created since the morning. The night is calm and people are no longer in a hurry.
I hope Romain likes the night’s scenery in Bandung, which he had immortalized in his photographs.

Romain Osi’s outdoor photographs exhibition in Bandung’s Town Hall

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